============ Installation ============ openSUSE packages ================= We use the `openSUSE Build Service`__ to provide packages for openSUSE 12.2 until openSUSE 13.2. Add the repository first, e.g.:: $ sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ufo-kit/openSUSE_12.2/ concert-repo and update and install the packages. Note, that you have to install IPython on your own, if you intend to use the ``concert`` binary for execution:: $ sudo zypper update $ sudo zypper in python-concert __ https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:ufo-kit Install from PyPI ================= It is recommended to use pip_ for installing Concert. The fastest way to install it is from PyPI:: $ sudo pip install concert This will install the latest stable version. If you prefer an earlier stable version, you can `fetch a tarball`_ and install with:: $ sudo pip install concert-x.y.z.tar.gz If you haven't have pip_ available, you can extract the tarball and install using the supplied ``setup.py`` script:: $ tar xfz concert-x.y.z.tar.gz $ cd concert-x.y.z $ sudo python setup.py install More information on installing Concert using the ``setup.py`` script, can be found in the official `Python documentation`__. To install the Concert from the current source, follow the instructions given in the :ref:`developer documentation `. __ http://docs.python.org/2/install/index.html Installing into a virtualenv ---------------------------- It is sometimes a good idea to install third-party Python modules independent of the system installation. This can be achieved easily using pip_ and virtualenv_. When virtualenv is installed, create a new empty environment and activate that with :: $ virtualenv my_new_environment $ . my_new_environment/bin/activate Now, you can install Concert's requirements and Concert itself :: $ pip install -e path_to_concert/ As long as ``my_new_environment`` is active, you can use Concert. .. _pip: https://pypi.python.org/pypi .. _`fetch a tarball`: https://github.com/ufo-kit/concert/releases .. _virtualenv: http://virtualenv.org